Sunday, November 9, 2014

Do you only practice Christianity when it's convenient?

I was pondering this question in my heart one evening as I considered the things God has had me do, as well as many others who have shared their testimonies.

Are we always considering if God told us to go here or there, or the flip side; he told us to do something but it wasn't convenient at the time so we put it off.

Proverbs 3:6
In all they ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct they paths.

When I was growing up, even in adult hood; I saw things that others seemed to get to do, or get away with. I often would think, "If I ever tried that, I would be in so much trouble or get caught."
When I was in high school one day I came home, jumped on the counter as my mom was cooking dinner. I was trying to figure out a way to tell her I had bombed a big test. She stopped cooking looked up at me and asked, "What's going on?" So I told her, and tried to explain to her that everyone else had not passed it as well. Her response was, "I don't care what everyone else did. You're not everyone else." I realized that more and more as I got older, and realized there were just certain things God was never going to let me get away with.

     I wasn't everyone else. That was the way God saw it too I suppose. I always enjoyed pleasing my parents and others. But when God began being more a part of my life, I began to see that he was going to be requiring more of my life too. I was finding most did not understand.

     As I began teaching I found myself going to many school functions my kids had. I loved being a part of what they were doing outside of the classroom. I too had come to be a pretty social person, and in the profession I had, there were plenty of "get togethers" to go to; but God kept requiring more of my time. It wasn't that I didn't want to go, but here I was again; I wasn't going to get to do what everyone else did.

     Over the years I was soon missing out on many things. But God was gracious, and when I would "miss" something, he was always there to encourage me and minister to me the things of the kingdom of God, and I found it to be more fulfilling than those things I thought I was missing out on. Soon, they became less and less important. But then there would be more to overcome down the road, more getting in obedience with the Lord. What more might he require? 

     I was endeavoring to walk with Jesus all I knew how. My parents, family; they thought I had missed it. I had begun to not attend all the functions anymore, run to every event when everyone expected me to. Not because I didn't want to, but again; "What would the Lord have me to do?" Christianity was more than Wednesday and Sundays, it was continually considering what would the Lord have a person to do daily, and it may not be doing what you wanted to do.

     I had found myself missing birthdays, college graduations, high school graduations, important events you might say. And one day I received a message. I would be having a new nephew. Oh how I was excited! But then it occurred to me, what if the Lord requires me to not go be a part of that. I walked to the back of the door in our home, looking up toward heaven, and said, "I will not miss out on this Lord!" With tears welling up in my eyes I humbled myself and then said, "But I will obey you." Knowing that it didn't matter what I wanted, I would have to obey the Lord. I walked outside, stood on my back porch, and simply asked him to just have mercy. I did not give it much thought any more knowing that no matter what I had to trust him until that time came and be ready for whatever he said.

The Time Had Come:

     I received a message early that morning; however I never saw it until much later. Had I of seen it I'm not sure what all would have tried to cross my mind and move me. The message said that my sister was in labor and headed toward the hospital. I checked in periodically and from all accounts it seemed as if the baby was quickly coming. I would not be there. I was about an hour away, and at work teaching. During the course of the day I realized I would also have a meeting, and I believed it was important that I attend. I had come to the place of where I would do my job, and if God wanted to make a way for me, he could, but I would not fret over it if I missed it.

      I sat in the meeting until around maybe 6:00 that evening. I had actually mentioned in the meeting about my nephew being born that day, and to everyone's surprise they couldn't figure out why I was there instead of at the hospital. I just said its okay. Knowing even that late the baby still had not arrived.  It had began to concern me. I was praying, expecting the baby to be born quickly; I certainly did not want my sister in any pain or distress, even if it meant I would miss everything. 

      Somewhere after 6:00 I began heading home. I was talking to Anthony giving him updates through the messages I had received. We talked about me going and it being right. I knew God had been merciful, and I headed that way. I was praying and talking to the Lord the whole way. I said, "Lord, I do believe you are waiting on me to get there." When I arrived in the town I went to the wrong hospital, I checked in,  and still no baby. Finally after arriving at the correct one, within 10 minutes or so, my sister began to give birth. I didn't miss a beat. What I appreciate about God was that I saw him in the whole thing. It blessed me to be there because I believed it was God who had allowed me to, but also to see the strength of my sister. She was strong! Upbeat! Eating a great meal afterwards. It was truly a great time, and I am thankful to the Lord for his graciousness and mercy towards me.

 Matthew 10 Jesus speaking:
38 And he that taketh not his cross, and followeth after me, is not worthy of me.
39 He that findeth his life shall lose it: and he that loseth his life for my sake shall find it.

God Bless You.


  1. Amen...God is a rewarder of those who diligently seek Him and his tender mercies are over all his works.
