Thursday, October 1, 2015

The Perfect Room!

When I first began teaching Anthony and I use to spend a couple of weeks getting my classroom ready. Sometimes that was painting, building things, or whatever we thought it may need. We could sometimes put quite a bit of money into doing it all too. When we moved to Broken Arrow, there were things like this that I wasn’t able to do anymore because of what God was requiring of my life, and our life. This particular year was no different.

Every new year it was fun to get to redo your classroom with a new look, a new theme; kind of like a kid getting their new supplies for the new school year! People were going to be getting their rooms ready, and I knew for myself, I wasn't going to be making any large purchases like before, it would be something more of what God was requiring.

I went on up to the school to do what I could in unpacking and trying to come up with a "new" plan for the year. Oh, it was heart wrenching to walk by everyone's rooms. They looked so great! New teachers bustling around so excited with their new goodies of things, and seasoned teachers returning for another year doing the same. I went on to my room encouraging myself, "Misty, just believe God." I wasn’t going to try to believe God for this or that, it was just simply, believe, period to survive how I was feeling! I went on about my business in my room that day, still not knowing how or what to do to make my room look nice or new.

Ephesians 5:19
Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord..

Well the Lord had put a song in my heart that morning as I was there. One I hadn't heard or considered in years. So as I spent my time preparing things I was singing,
"♫ God will take care of you. All you may need he will provide ♫". Never considering what I was singing just finding comfort that the Lord was with me. For a few days this song continued to just play over and over in my heart, and I continued to worship in my heart or out loud while I would be working on things.

One day upon arriving at school to work in my room I walked through our large media center. It was filled with flower arrangements, nice decorative items, nice pictures, pillow cushions, etc. I couldn’t believe all the stuff that was there! I asked someone about it and found that if it was out there and anyone could have it. Not unusual, but these were some really nice things! I began to look through it all and I found things that would look great in my room!! Things I loved! One of the teachers I work with was helping me carry things to my room and said, “All this stuff you are getting really matches the colors that are in your room”. I said, “I know!!” When I had begun the job I was also to get some of the new small bookcases, but was never able to. There were plenty of those out there now this day too. I now had flower arrangements, decorative items to hang on the wall, cushions for some chairs, and a few other items here and there; things that were somewhat tossed because of simply just a new year, or stored items needing to be gone. When I was growing up my mother and grandmother would often buy items for me to have for when I was grown one day with a home of my own. One of those things were these beautiful expensive baskets. A teacher friend of mine was cleaning her room this day and asked me to come down for a minute. I said, "Sure." When I got there she had one of those baskets and asked me if I would like it, how it came to her to ask me, and that I might like it. I said, "Sure!" Well, God did that for me!

 My room did not look the same!! It looked great!! And I was thrilled with it all!! And not a soul knew what God was requiring of me, but God knew what he was, and he was going to take care of me. I laughed at the fact that this was the most I had ever gotten and only spent about 4 bucks. After it was all set up and ready, and I thought it was just perfect!

♫ God will take care of you. All you may need He will provide
    No matter what may be the test,
    God will take care of you;
    lean, weary one, upon his breast,
   God will take care of you ♫

( Not all the words are sung, but I encourage you to look them up )

God bless!!

1 comment:

  1. I will share this little bit here...
    When God required me to lay down my teaching, there was a fear of what if you change your mind Lord!? What if this?! What if that!? I knew I would have NOTHING!!! All my teaching materials were now gone as we were preparing to move! I was reminded of this testimony and I KNEW, whatever came along God would provide!! I just had to continue to believe!! Remember be not moved away from the HOPE of the gospel!!!
